Now I know why PJ says their recent album gave them the hardest time but the best album they bore. The problem is that their following thrives on their old songs of despair. But they've come around it, full circle. They want to tell them something. They want to make them understand. Their newest album brings about a new message, a new theme, a new dimension, a prism, to view things. Who knows, maybe they've achieve what they set out to achieve ---PEOPLE! STOP BLEEDING!!! DON'T FIGHT EACH OTHER. DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE!!! THEIR IS HOPE, THEIR IS POWER IN DOING SOMETHING TO PREVENT A WORLDWIDE SUICE...
A Day In The Life Of
KAUBAN - /ka-u'-ban/ a traditional Filipino term associated with a close friend. Literally, it means "someone you grow gray hair with." A related term is ka-ibigan, a term normally associated to a friend, but which can also be interpreted as "someone you share your love with." Kauban, however, is more than just a friend. In fact, kauban is your true friend for life, where the bond between you, tempered by time, can never be broken.
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