It is not the fatal rose, you see, that kills the spider,
For there are many roses that be,
But the web that it builds that nests it,
And the dance of the mahogany trees.
KAUBAN - /ka-u'-ban/ a traditional Filipino term associated with a close friend. Literally, it means "someone you grow gray hair with." A related term is ka-ibigan, a term normally associated to a friend, but which can also be interpreted as "someone you share your love with." Kauban, however, is more than just a friend. In fact, kauban is your true friend for life, where the bond between you, tempered by time, can never be broken.
It is not the fatal rose, you see, that kills the spider,
It seems that I do not have the urge to write nowadays, except today. Today I want to write something about the power dynamics in a family. I've been a fan of the egalitarian family, ever since my women's studies professor introduced me to it (yep! I took the class with the mistake that I was going to learn about something else; but I enjoyed it nevertheless, hehe). On one hand, it is sad to say that I haven't seen any family of this sort (well, not completely that is), and I believe it is really because of systemic causes (i.e. societal factors) that prevent it from becoming so. On the other hand, however, I do see glimpses of what tomorrow-world can be, a world where the society and the family has eliminated dominant-submissive family processes and/or structures.
From the "basketcase dookies" of Berkeley. Amazing how their songs just transformed through the years.